Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where have you been all my life pizza peel?

My husband brought home a pizza peel. After talking about it for a while and trying to find one, we finally located one. How did I ever manage without one? Seriously, prep time is drastically reduced when you don't have to fight to get the pizza onto the stone. There is much less mess when I don't have to use parchment paper to roll out the dough.
If you haven't made your own pizza dough, you really should try . The taste is amazing and it really is so simple if you use the recipe and method from Artisan Bread In 5 Minutes A Day by Jeff hertzberg and Zoe Francois. The method is simple. Add in 1 tbsp yeast, 1.5 tbsp salt, 3.5 cups of 100 degree temp water, 7.5 cups of unbleached flour and stir. Let rest covered for 2 hrs. Preheat oven at 500-550 with stone in the oven for about 15 minutes. Roll out your dough on the pizza peel, add your toppings and bake for 10 minutes. it is really that easy!  They have so many awesome recipes, I want to buy all of their books. They also have Healthy Bread In Five Minutes A Day that I want to get.  Let me know if you try it.

[caption id="attachment_126" align="alignnone" width="300"] Artisan pizza[/caption]

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